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Page history last edited by Alex Finnegan 14 years ago

Music is such a feature of the Valley and I should make some space for folks to submit info, links etc.- Alex


Community Radio

 have you heard our new community radio station?

Turn on, Tune in, - drop in and help out (apologies Mr Leary)

support this local media enterprise with your ears.

click on the above link to find our more.


I have yet to attend a Jumpin Hot Club event that wasn't, well -Jumpin!-alex


Jumping & Hot Club


Jumping & Hot Club is a promoter of live music events in Newcastle, focusing on roots, blues and reggae.




Generator is a development agency for rock music in the North East providing services to musicians and promoters.

Arts Council Music Links


North Tyneside Youth Music Collective

Founded in 2003, North Tyneside Youth Music Collective provides gig opportunities and support to young musicians in North Tyneside. As well as offering the bands and soloists the chance to play, we welcome all young people to come down and watch the gigs! We regularly run events at the YMCA Basement in North Shields along with the Buddle Arts Centre in Wallsend. We have also provided live music for one off events such as the Urban Games Festival in Whitley Bay (2005 and 2006) and also the Fish Quay Festival in North Shields. (2004 and 2005.) Into 2007 and we have finally completed our recording studio. This allows us to record all the gigs in basement as well as produce Demo's, Ep's or even albums for any bands and artists who are associated with the NTYMC.



Musicians Benevolent Fund


Provides help and support to musicians and their dependants.Through education work, provides funding and advice to young musicians through various award schemes and trust funds




A music information resource, compiled from a number of sources and made widely available. Also, a forum for music workers to have a voice that is heard by policymakers.

The Live Music Forum delivers its verdict - "Small scale live music events impacted on by new licensing laws" - Sharkey










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