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Northern Print

Page history last edited by Alex Finnegan 17 years, 2 months ago



Northern Print is the centre for contemporary printmaking in the North East. We’re here for everyone interested in any aspect of printmaking.


Our studio is based in Ouseburn in Newcastle upon Tyne and receives regular funding from Arts Council England, North East. This is what we do:


Provide first-class printmaking facilities to meet the needs of our studio users.

Place the very best artists at the centre of our programme and promote printmaking to the widest possible audience.

Promote and sell prints, thereby generating income as well as contributing to the stature and financial well being of artists and printmakers in the North East.

Contribute to ongoing research and development of printmaking together with printmakers from around the world.

Act as a focus and catalyst for all those involved in the advocacy of printmaking, including schools, colleges, curators, artists groups and collectors.

Northern Print

Stepney Bank

Newcastle upon Tyne



Tel: 0191 261 7000


Email: enquiry@northernprint.org.uk

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