The Ouseburn Trust Heritage Group provides a number of public talks on the history and heritage of the Ouseburn Valley.
Here’s the programme for our 2007/8 talks at the Cumberland Arms and the winter walk.
The talks are held on Mondays, beginning at 7:30pm, in the upstairs room of the Cumberland Arms and are free of charge.
September 17th 2007 Tom Lawrenson, dancers and musicians.
The Story, History and Mystery of Rapper
Rapper is a form of traditional dance with its roots in the working class culture of North East England. Dancers and musicians based at the Cumberland will give us an introduction in words, music and dance to this fascinating topic. Fittingly the Cumberland Arms will be the base for the Dance England Rapper Tournament 2009.
November 19th 2007 Lara Baker and Nancy Rios-Hill
Reviewing the Regeneration Strategy for the Lower Ouseburn Valley
The Regeneration Strategy is the framework document that has guided the regeneration work in the Valley for the last few years and is now in the process of being reviewed. We will learn of how the original regeneration strategy was decided upon, how it has worked out and future developments.
Thursday December 27th
Ouseburn Winter Walk
Come with us on a stroll around the valley to stretch your legs after Christmas and get yourself fit for the New Year. Meet outside the Ship Inn at 1:00pm.
January 21st 2008
Gardening for Wildlife Derek Hilton-Brown
Attracting wildlife to your garden can be done in many ways, from installing bird or bat boxes, to encouraging insects to nest or identifying and providing food plants for butterflies. There’s also the consideration of using natural predators to fight garden pests. This presentation will look at various ways in which your garden can be made more attractive to wildlife.
March 17th 2008 Sue Bright
St. Patrick’s Day Talk - Celebrating the Irish Ouseburn
What part did the Irish immigrants play in the history of the Lower Ouseburn Valley ? Like many towns and cities in the UK , Newcastle experienced large-scale immigration of Irish people from mid-nineteenth century onwards and in 1851 they made up approximately 8% of the population in Newcastle . The Ouseburn and surrounding area became home to many of these immigrants who not only helped to shape the landscape of the Lower Ouseburn Valley , but also settled in Newcastle to later become our Ouseburn ancestors.
May 19th 2008
Ouseburn in 1900 Mike Greatbatch
When we look at the Lower Ouseburn valley today we see an area with many opportunities to explore and engage in art, culture and leisure. This wasn’t always so. As the Victorian era drew to its close the valley was heavily industrialised, with the workers living in close proximity to the factories where they laboured. This presentation will look at life and labour in this small, but important, part of Newcastle at the turn of the last century.
If you have Internet access you can keep an eye on what’s going on in the Ouseburn on
The first one in the 2006 / 7 season was on Monday September 18th, details of the rest of the talks in the programme are listed below.
All events take place in the upstairs room of the The Cumberland Arms at 7:30pm and are free of charge.
Monday March 19th 2007 - "Planning developments in the Ouseburn" - Mick Firth, Group Planning Manager.
These are exciting times in the lower Ouseburn Valley with many developments planned or taking place. Mick will talk about redevelopment and regeneration from the point of view of the City Council, and how the area's status as a conservation area is taken into account.
Monday May 21st 2007 - "Ouseburn Heritage" - Mike Greatbatch, Newcastle City Council Ouseburn Interpretation officer.
Mike will lead us through the entire length of the Ouseburn river and its catchment area looking at sites of heritage interest, with especial attention to 'our' lower part of the valley
For further details please contact
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