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Page history last edited by Alex Finnegan 3 years, 8 months ago

Notice Board Arts and Crafts


Byker Boat Launch event

Today was the most amazing day, live radio interview on BBC Newcastle before 8am, Sky web interviews, Newcastle Chronicle...

Hey -We built a lovely boat in a church!



When they visited the church, local Byker residents were saying "Byker Boat will never fit out through the doors!".

Well I am glad to report that the five foot wide wooden boat fitted out through the four foot wide church doors!

How? -on her side of course...

Where there is a will there is a way.

We had a strong team, all hands on deck

- no problem.

Creative communities can break the big issues down into managble tasks - that's progress.



Boat building has the power to unite communities, don't talk about your problems, just focus on the solution.

All walks of life came together within this project, no explaniation, just a gradual osmosis, understanding each other with time.



We actually walked byker belle a mile from the church down to St Peter's Marina, the local police closed the roads and about 50 people braved the rain met us there to witness the launch. All along the way byker residents, hearing us singing, peered out their windows shouted through their house "There is a bunch of folk pushing a boat through Byker come and see!", camera phones pushed through curtains, gossip over garden fences, talked about for years to come. Priceless.



I am so proud of those people who took part in the Byker boat project 2012. We built a lovely boat which will be used by the people of Byker, getting them out on the river. The skills that were passed on remain within the community, bringing more people into future projects, building more and bigger boats, more people on the river, more fun, cohesive creative communities, working and playing together. get in touch if you want to be involved.


Here are the stars, the people who made it happen.



We currently have opportunities for corporate sponsors who might like to support the second byker boat. 


  - Drop me a line for a chat alex@puppetship.com




For more photos try http://puppetshipcic.pbworks.com/w/page/19892262/Latest



Image of Alex sailing the third boat in the ApprenticeSHIP Project series July 2010


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