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The Free Trade

Page history last edited by Alex Finnegan 16 years, 9 months ago


Property developers may cite the rich and diverse creative communities of the Ouseburn estuary as a selling point within their glossy brochures, however it seems this same local community has now united to defend the essence of our diversity. A clear message has been sent to those seeking to develop, -if your proposals are not sensitive to their surroundings then expect for planning to be blocked at every stage of the process, until you get it right.


Congratulations to the local lobby group on their recent success in blocking another undesirable planning proposal.


Here is a great example of how organised a diverse community can be,



This is not an official site, rather, it has been created by individuals who seek to protect the unique qualities of their local environment – in this case, the view from the free trade pub.

Ouseburn Interactive celebrates social activism.

It is essential that we all value the life enriching elements of our world and recognise when these qualities are about to be sold from beneath us. -alex




Here’s a link from the BBC about the latest proposed development near the Free Trade.








Some links for the Free trade





this is an interactive Web site

if you want to make a comment HERE or start an online Noticeboard directly relating to The Free Trade please drop Alex an email metacypher@yahoo.co.uk


Once you have the password you can add and change text, add pictures and stuff as easily as making a peanut butter sandwich!



Here is a link to


No link found



Alex - free trade is the practice commonly known as smuggling, while I am sure this pub has no connections to that illegal activity i cant help but feel all misty eyed about the days when under cover of fog, softly spoken figures offloaded their booty under the noses of the revenue officials.


My mate Will is building a replica of a free trader's lugger, check it out.





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